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What is the SRIA?

SRIA stands for the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia. It was founded in 1867 by Robert Wentworth Little, and other brethren, following the discovery of certain documents in the archives of Grand Lodge. It is not just another interesting degree in Freemasonry to be acquired in the course of ordinary Masonic Progress. It is something beyond, and outside, of Freemasonry.

To be a member, you must be a Master Mason and profess a belief in the Trinitarian Christian Faith,

Membership of the SRIA is made up of from brethren who have all been drawn to the same path within the structure of Masonry. The Society is the ideal forum for Masons who wish to extend their contemplations of the hidden mysteries of nature and science.

The SRIA can provide the thoughtful Mason with direction, structure and resources for his enlightenment and advancement in working out the great problems of Life; in comprehending and appreciating his relations with his fellow man and his Creator.

The Society also provides an outlet for sharing insights, learning and experiences with others by presenting papers and joining study and discussion groups.

“The aim of the Society is to afford aid and encouragement in working out the great problems of Life and in discovering the secrets of Nature; to facilitate the study of the system of Philosophy founded upon the Kabbalah and the doctrines of Hermes Trismegistus, which was inculcated by the original Fratres Rosae Crucis of Germany, AD 1450; and to investigate the meaning and symbolism of all that now remains of the wisdom, art and literature of the Ancient World”.

Thus the object of the society is to bring together Freemasons of a philosophical outlook in order that they may afford aid and encouragement to each other in the pursuit of their own studies in the field of philosophy and scholarship in the widest sense. Ultimately, the Society's object is to bring its members a few steps nearer to wisdom and an understanding of the true nature of reality.

Members are encouraged to read original papers or extracts from the works of others and to join in the discussions that arise. Members should be prepared, not only to take part in the Grade Ceremonies, but also to listen and learn and by study and giving to others the results of that study, to take an active part in working out the great problems of life and understanding the wisdom, art, and literature of the ancient world.

The Rosicrucian Fraternity is dedicated mainly to the education of spiritual, philosophical and ethical truths of the highest level.

Members have research and presented papers on diverse subjects including Number Symbolism, Alchemy, Artificial Intelligence, and Shamanism, as will as biographies or eminent philosophers of Science, Esotericism and Mysticism.

The Society is organised in three order with nine grades, each having its own appropriate ritual and lectures,. Grades I to III are considered “Learners”, IV to VII as “teachers” and VIII & IX as “rulers”.

Based at it's headquarters in Hampstead, North London, we are spread throughout 7 countries and and England into 13 provinces. Our province, the Province of North West Counties, stretches from Cheshire to Cumbria. Colleges meet three time a year although there are a whole host of other activities across the Province at which you would receive a warm welcome.


Fraters, as we call ourselves, wear simple regalia consisting of a jewel indicating the level they have reached, and the tie of the Order. On occupying the Chair, a frater becomes a Celebrant (which is equivalent to the Worshipful Master). Thereafter, as a past Celebrant, they continue to wear a red robe.